===================================================================== RunServices 2.22 * README FILE * May 15, 2001 ===================================================================== http://www.aquatory.com info@aquatory.com ===================================================================== CONTENTS: 1. What is RunServices? 2. Features 3. Version history 4. License and distribution 5. Contacts 1. What is RunServices? RunServices is a small utility, that shows and allows to manage tasks (let's call them "services") which are launched when Windows starts. The information about services is stored in system in 3 different places: in Main Menu (Startup folder), in System Registry, and in Win.Ini file. RunServices scans all of these locations and displays found services. 2. Features With the little help of RunServices, you can: · add new services, including drug'n'drop from Windows Explorer; · delete selected service(s); · temporary disable services without deletion; · launch selected service(s); · open StartUp Folder, System Registry (regedit.exe required) or Win.Ini file; · monitor the list of services for updates. The last feature is a kind of protection against "Trojans", the programs, that are installed on your computer without your permission and can do a harm for you (running at system's startup) - for example, they can give the unauthorized access to your computer (the most famous tool is BackOrifice) or stole your dial-up passwords. RunServices will automatically detect that the new service was added and immediately inform you about it. In addition, RunServices has a convenient user interface: toolbarToolbar with familiar MSOffice-like buttons, statusbar, right-click popup menu, keyboard shortcuts. RunServices was tested and works fine on Microsoft Windows 95, 98, 98SE, Millenium, NT 4.0, 2000. 3. Version history The history of the development (+ - added feature, * - bug fix): Version 2.22 (May 15, 2001) + the size of rs.exe dramatically decreased (by 50%)! + command "RunServices on the Web" in Help menu + modified setup program * correct work with the services with the command that has: 1) no extension (.exe, .bat, .com) and 2) location outside of the system forders * correct work with the services with ' or " symbols in command * fixed small bug with "All Users" profile support Version 2.21 (April 8, 2001) + closing to system tray (instead of finishing program's work) + only one instance of RunServices can be launched + command "Opions" in tray menu * fixed "Error in ver.dll" on Windows ME Version 2.20 (Fabruary 12, 2001) + full support of shortcuts + new service can be created in all supported locations + enchanced "New Service" dialog + enchanced "About" dialog + help file added * fixed a few minor bugs Version 2.10 (June 29, 2000) + feature "Open Folder" + column "Description" * feature "Run Now" supports command-line parameters in paths * feature "Run Now" works correctly with shortcuts * fixed error on some Windows 9x systems with multiple users Version 2.00 (January 10, 2000) + feature "Enable/Disable Service" + feature "Check for New Services", including "Check every X min." + minimization to system tray (to taskbar near clock) + confirmations of run/deletion of the service(s) + dialog window "Options" + option "Run at StartUp" + command line parameter /min forces RunServices to run minimized + right-click popup menu + multiple entires in the keys of win.ini are supported + toolbar button "StartUp Folder" shows popup menu in Windows NT + Ctrl+X shortcut for "Exit" command Version 1.02 (December 24, 1999) + profile "All Users" in Windows NT 4 is supported + feature "Run Now" * problem with deletion of shortcuts fixed * not only shortcuts are supported in Startup folder(s) Version 1.01 (November 22, 1999) * no "Can't find Kernel32.dll" error on Windows NT 4 Version 1.00 (November 1, 1999) Original version Feel free to send your suggestions for features you want RunServices to have. 4. License and distribution See license.txt. 5. Contacts Please don't hesitate to send your questions and suggestions regarding RunServices to e-mail: info@aquatory.com.